Sourabh Mishra


About Me

I consider myself a learner. I love to read about different things. From reading about biological phenomena to reading biographies. I believe in the all-round development of an individual because when we face a problem it never asks for our expertise.

Personal Details.

I am an entrepreneur. I love trying different ideas and exploring the beauty around us. Handling the responsibilities efficiently has always been the best part of me. I like to do things in my way. I would always choose to stand out rather than standing in the crowd.

  • College: MANIT
  • City: Bhopal, M.P
  • Degree: BTech.
  • Email:

I am currently working on some ideas and looking forward to accomplishing them. I have learned the below-mentioned skills while solving the real industry use cases that many companies face. I have previously worked on a couple of startups and failed but it eventually helped me to grow and learn more. I have good critical thinking skills and an approach to real-life problems. Trying new things and making them great has always been my dream.


I believe that everyone has a talent, ability, or skill that he can mine to support himself and to succeed in life. I also think that's a great opportunity, to pick a project/work where you can build up a good skill. I think the main thing I look for when I look at projects is if it's challenging. If it's something that I can relate to. And is it something that the world is going to get something out of? If not, then it's not worth doing.

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My Works

Creating projects have always been exciting for me speacially when it's challenging. These are my ongoing and completed works. You can look for the details in Medium and also on my GitHub page.

Created 20+ Technical Blogs on multiple technologies..

Posted multiple technical blogs and solved problems of real industry use case..

A responsive Ecommerce Website On Django

I have created an E-commerce website with option of choosing, searching product and checkout option.

Let Machine Learn From Machine !

Automating machine learning model creation and hyperparameters tunning.

Let's Connect

We as an individual can't do all the work or tasks alone. We learn different things from different people. Even the bad people can bring a positive change in you, if you connect with them. So, let's connect and share knowledge.
As it is said:
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

    Let's Connect and have some words !

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